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Now that's a firm handshake!



Yet it’s startling how much energy shoots though her via a simple handshake: if a woodland creature could shake your hand, it might feel like this, the will of an entire forest ecosystem pouring through one being.

Reaching with a simile for a working, telling, feeling description of a handshake, writer Stephanie Zucharek helps combine theme, person, experience, and focus into one comparison. Whoa. Give that a try sometime.


Jane Fonda, at 86, is small-boned and elegant, her eyes like soft-flue-gray flannel. Yet it’s startling how much energy shoots though her via a simple handshake: if a woodland creature could shake your hand, it might feel like this, the will of an entire forest ecosystem pouring through one being.


Zucharek, Setphanie. “Jane Fonda; Every Generation Must Join the Fight.” Time, 08 April 2024, p. 48.

(Woodland Creature image courtesy of Bing Image Creator, April 2024.)

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