
Mar 30, 20221 min read
Wagons to the left, wagons to the right, go to the hoop . . .
Keep loading! Comparison: “‘Don’t worry about the mules, just load the wagon,’ [Bill] Self Sr., used to say.” “Just load the wagon.“...
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Jan 14, 20221 min read
2010; Greece; President Obama!
Sounds explosive. Comparison: “But in 2010, economic conditions weren’t normal. Greece’s attachment to an already shaky Europe made its...
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Jan 14, 20221 min read
Poison Dementia?
Gosh, you'd think perhaps they don't like it. Comparison: “Buffett told CNBC in early May bitcoin was ‘probably rat poison squared’ while...
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Jan 14, 20221 min read
Whose nerve did we just hit?
When connection really connects with the CNSystem. Comparison: “‘We writers are the raw nerve of the universe. Our job is to go out and...
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