
Jan 262 min read
What, exactly, is going on in my body?!
Comparison: [a cell in the human body as seen by a scientist:] . . . one can almost imagine that it’s a bit like a backyard pool, with...
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Jan 262 min read
The Oligarch's Repair (?) Garage
Comparison: Think of the federal government as a car. You might have thought that the [2024] election was like getting the car serviced....
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Jan 131 min read
Duck! It's the Fourth Quarter!
Comparison: During his first term, Mr. Trump functioned less as a coach calling plays and more as a cantankerous owner demanding that his...
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Jan 32 min read
Pick the Correct General for your Unwinnable Battle
Comparison: Death is the enemy. But the enemy has superior forces. Eventually, it wins. And in a war that you cannot win, you don’t want...
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Dec 21, 20241 min read
Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!!
Comparison: ‘I think the equivalent of what Mike Johnson has had to do over the last couple weeks is like trying to eat a live...
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Dec 14, 20242 min read
No turf for as far as the eye can see.
Comparison: ‘It’s horrible,‘ Jon [Kromenhoek] said about how everything has unfolded. ‘Absolutely horrible. It’s super emotional. I guess...
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Dec 10, 20241 min read
Hellooooooo . . . anyone here?
Comparison: It felt as if I now lived in my own portable, perpetual ghost town. Former President Barack Obama reflects on the controlled,...
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Dec 6, 20242 min read
Let's hope it'll hold
Comparison: The Lions’ defense is basically held together with scotch tape at this point, after accumulating a list of injuries unlike...
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Nov 22, 20242 min read
Chasing Votes in the Wilderness
Comparison: This reality brought us the informational landscape of the 2024 election, in which the two candidates were out chasing an...
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Nov 11, 20242 min read
Sweeping Change.
Comparison: The campaign staff are like the guys with the brooms that are frantically sweeping the ice as this 44-pound rock slides along...
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Oct 30, 20241 min read
Escape! Takedown! Pin!
Comparison: Electoral campaigns always feature some degree of political spin. But combatting Mr. Trump’s claims is like wrestling with...
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Oct 28, 20241 min read
Ouch! And then some.
Comparison: “Bold and unrelenting. Someone using a power drill to excavate your ingrown toenail.“ Ah, to what may we compare the sting of...
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Oct 24, 20242 min read
Is any of that wedding cake still available?
Comparison: When someone joins the vice president’s staff, Harris often asks them to think of a wedding album. Imagine you’ve been to...
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Oct 20, 20241 min read
Against Kabuki Normality.
Comparison: His presence at the Al Smith dinner last night turned the event itself into kabuki theater, in which everyone participating...
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Oct 8, 20241 min read
Scrub-a-dude, Scrub!
Comparison: It’s more an attempt to scrub away the humiliating stain of womanhood from any trait or behavior before letting boys anywhere...
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Sep 25, 20241 min read
Pileup on M-5. Run/ski with care! Mitochondrial Eve! Art Movements! Throwbacks! High Jumpers! Marathoners!
Comparison: . . . doing both [OS experts also writing programming languages] is akin to an Olympic high jumper also qualifying for the...
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Sep 18, 20241 min read
How Far is the First Aid Station?
Comparison: . . . my idea of a marathon is more along the lines of binge-watching a whole season of ‘Emily in Paris’ It's not easy to...
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Sep 7, 20242 min read
Is that a Higgs boson near Taylor Swift?
Comparison: A stationary electron, much like the vibration of a guitar string, is a standing wave that vibrates with a preferred...
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Aug 31, 20241 min read
Perhaps Save the Wand for Later?!
Comparison: ‘It wasn’t a fairy godmother waving a magic wand.’ A campaign aide for Kamala Harris noting the importance of a list of...
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Aug 24, 20241 min read
Don't tell Barney!
Comparison: ‘Eureka‘ may be a little awkward, but what it lacks in sophistication and slickness it makes up for in clumsy sweetness and...
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