Politics has become a stand-in not only for religion but also in the primary arena for kulturkampf. Having a president of the other party in the Oval Office is for many like having a king of the wrong religion on the throne. It pets the cat of the cosmic order backward, eliciting shrieks and claws at every turn.
The Dispatch editor Jonah Goldberg strongly suggests that our national fixation of the power of the U.S. Presidency is, perhaps, misguided. He notes that having an opponent in the White House creates an unnecessary feline frenzy.

I’m not going to tell you how to vote. I am going to tell you how to think about voting. But I’m going to take you on a journey to get there.
Let me skip ahead. Five years from now, America will be okay. You’ll probably be okay. And if you are not okay, it will in all likelihood have nothing to do with who was elected president in 2024.
Those of you who think I’m trying to reassure anti-Trump people (like me), despondent over the prospect of another Trump presidency, you’re right. But I’m also talking even more to pro-Trump folks, convinced that America can’t survive four more years of Joe Biden.
All of you need to get off the ledge.
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Politics has become a stand-in not only for religion but also in the primary arena for kulturkampf. Having a president of the other party in the Oval Office is for many like having a king of the wrong religion on the throne. It pets the cat of the cosmic order backward, eliciting shrieks and claws at every turn.
Goldberg, Jonah. “Apocalypse Not.“ The Dispatch,, 06 March 2024. Web.