It come also with, uh . . . like a storm front that you’re constantly battling because you’re disappointed. You go, ‘Oh shit. I thought once I made it to the top of the mountain, it was all blue skies.’ It’s not. The air thinner. It’s precarious. There’s not many people up there. It’s pretty lonely. So sometimes going to the mountain is not as . . . all it’s cracked up to be.
Sylvester Stallone addresses what happens when life dreams come to pass. In the process he captures the essence of taking a shop-worn metaphor (climbing the mountain to success and blue skies) and refurbishes it by borrowing actual mountain top conditions (e.g., thin air, few people, etc.) to weave in some of his actual encounters with fame-based success.

Once you get to your dream, you realize, this wasn’t my dream. My dream was not made
. . . It’s not turned out the way I thought. It come also with, uh . . . like a storm front that you’re constantly battling because you’re disappointed. You go, ‘Oh shit. I thought once I made it to the top of the mountain, it was all blue skies.’ It’s not. The air thinner. It’s precarious. There’s not many people up there. It’s pretty lonely. So sometimes going to the mountain is not as . . . all it’s cracked up to be.
Stallone, Sylvester. Interview dialog. SLY. Netflix, 2023.