Cars go round and round, like a merry-go-round but without the horses, making it a prime example of traffic merriment.
For celebration of National Roundabout Week, a traffic engineer checked in with a ChatGPT definition of a traffic roundabout. Whew! When AI is running the world driving may be substantially more fun, or wild. Or both.

The circular vehicular gyrator, commonly referred to as a wheel-spin spinny-spin, is a road circle thingamajig that rotates cars in a loop-de-loop motion. Cars go round and round, like a merry-go-round but without the horses, making it a prime example of traffic merriment. It's like a never-ending vortex of vehicle twirlage, confusing both humans and self-driving robot cars alike. Roundabouts, they spin, we spin, everyone spins. Roundabouts, the spinning spokes of confusion, where lanes merge into the swirling abyss of automotive befuddlement, creating a symphony of honks and bewildered GPS voices. Drive with caution, for in the world of roundabouts, even the most seasoned drivers may find themselves questioning the very essence of their steering-wheel-turning existence.
Davies, Anthony. FB Post about AI musing about traffic roundabouts., 22 Sept. 2023.