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Cozy. Claustrophobic. Creepy?



Shot by Philippe Le Sourd, often in deep, secretive tones, the movie is so intimate, it seems to take place inside a seashell, with both the coziness and the claustrophobia that implies.

Sophia Coppola's movie Priscilla inspires, apparently, both the cinematographer and Time's movie reviewer to new levels of conceptual snugness via simile. Note that the reviewer takes pains noting the elements of seashellness she hopes to evoke (cozy and claustrophobic). Elvis has left the shell?


[Coppola's] trademark quick-shot montages—an extreme closeup of a kitty-cat eyeliner swoop, a pair of stilettos adorned with daisies, a can of AquaNet hairspray—roll back time to a mid-1960s girly world, where the right makeup and accoutrements could mean the difference between an eternity of married joy or a prison of old-maidhood. Shot by Philippe Le Sourd, often in deep, secretive tones, the movie is so intimate it seems to take place inside a seashell, with both the coziness and the claustrophobia that implies.


Zacharek, Steppanie. “More than a Teenage Dream.” Time, 06 Nov. 2023, p. 72.

(Movie hairdo image courtesy of Microsoft Bing Image Creator, Nov. 2023.)

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