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Excuse me! Can you point the way to Topeka?


Updated: Feb 25, 2022

Now, which trail were you looking for: Lewis and Clark, or Ho Chi Mihn?


The draft number for his birthdate was a comfortable 356, meaning, as Robin later put it, ‘the Viet Cong had to be coming from Kansas for me to be drafted.’

Robin Williams later in his career worked tirelessly for Armed Services audiences. Seems a good stroke that his draft lottery number was high.


What would he [Robin Williams] do now? Robin was nearing eligibility for the military draft, but he had little reason to worry that he would be conscripted into the Vietnam War. The draft number for his birthdate was a comfortable 356, meaning, as Robin later put it, ‘the Viet Cong had to be coming from Kansas for me to be drafted.’ Nor did Rob [Robin Williams’ father], a World War II veteran, suggest that he seek a career in the armed services. ‘At some point Robin said, ‘my father sat me down and said, “Listen, war is not dolce et decorum est, it’s really quite brutal. War isn’t like the movies portray it. People die alone and miserable. He was honest with me, because he wanted me to be safe.’

Itzkoff, Dave. Robin. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 2018. p. 37.

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