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Womp Rats Anyone?



The usually too-silent majority of Americans who actually like living in a democracy have discovered the two-meter exhaust hole in the Trumpian Death Star, and suddenly the Evil Empire is devolving into a full-blown panic that it’s all about to blow up.

Philadelphia Inquirer columnist Will Bunch suggests that emerging news, commentary, and publicity about Project 2025 plans could prove the undoing, however unplanned, of the GOP's favored candidate for 2024. Also, note his use of drone imagery in the context below.


The turning point in a presidential campaign is often the last place you’re looking for it. As the media feeding frenzy over the health of President Joe Biden was reaching its sustained fever pitch last weekend, a most unlikely player — the award-winning actress Taraji P. Henson — in a particularly unlikely setting, the Black Entertainment Television (BET) Awards, fired the political equivalent of a drone strike that changed the chaotic 2024 election, for good.

. . .

The usually too-silent majority of Americans who actually like living in a democracy have discovered the two-meter exhaust hole in the Trumpian Death Star, and suddenly the Evil Empire is devolving into a full-blown panic that it’s all about to blow up.


Bunch, Will. “Trump’s New Big Lie that He Doesn’t Know About Project 2025 Might Take Him Down.” Philadelphia Inquirer, 07 July 2024. Web.

(T-Deathstar image created by Lee Aigue; initial images courtesy of TheGtheBtheI.blogspot and wikimedia, CC 2.0, 2024)
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