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The climate denialists come back again and again, at each fresh wave of global warming awareness, like ‘fire-jumpers,’ Lipsky writes, landing in interview seats on news shows to snuff out concern before it can gain much momentum.

Zoë Schlanger finds that David Lipsky found a way to detect the activity and purpose of climate deniers via his use of "fire-jumpers" landing in tv studios just in time to “snuff out concern.“ Potent use of an interesting simile.


Every new face (and there are many!) is important. The climate denialists come back again and again, at each fresh wave of global warming awareness, like ‘fire-jumpers,’ Lipsky writes, landing in interview seats on news shows to snuff out concern before it can gain much momentum.


Schlanger, Zoë. “A Global Warming Book for the Streaming Age.” Rev. of The Parrot and the Igloo. New York Times, 10 July 2023. Web.

(Fire jumper image courtesy of Bing Image Creator, Jan. 2024.)

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