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. . . feels like window-shopping for love at a store that's closed.  . . . life might be different if I owned them [beautiful clothes/relationships], but [I] can't actually try anything on.

American Life producer, Aviva DeKornfeld captures her skepticism about “love at first sight" relationships at the store door.


Hearing these stories feels like window-shopping for love at a store that's closed. I [This American Life producer, Aviva DeKornfeld] can see all these beautiful things, can imagine what it might be like to wear them, or how life might be different if I owned them, but can't actually try anything on.


“Act Two: Crazy Stupid Love; 791: Math or Magic?” This American Life,, 12 May 2023. Web.

(Store image courtesy of Bing Image Creator, Feb. 2024.)

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