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Wagons to the left, wagons to the right, go to the hoop . . .


Updated: May 3, 2023

Keep loading!


“‘Don’t worry about the mules, just load the wagon,’ [Bill] Self Sr., used to say.”

“Just load the wagon.“ Deceptively simple, down-home advice. Note, however, that by focusing on the work at hand (wagon loading) one leaves until another time the mode, or power of transport (“Don't worry about the mules“) thereby encouraging focus on the important part of one's work. Clever.


“Known throughout his life as a coach and educator who valued hard work and toughness over everything, [Bill] Self Sr. is perhaps best known by Kansas [basketball] fans for the mantra that stuck with his son throughout his playing and coaching life.

‘Don’t worry about the mules, just load the wagon,’ Self Sr., used to say.’”

Tait, Matt. “Bill Self Sr. Father of Kansas Coach Bill Self, Dies at age 82.”, 21 Jan. 2022. Web.

(image public domain 2021)

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