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Ladies and Gentlemen look on the right side of the aircraft . . .


Updated: May 3, 2023

Probably don't want to ask the folks on the other side what the left wing looks like.


“‘I’m going to tell them that we [Russian small business people with international monetary sanctions in effect] are going into a crisis that we have never experienced before,’ he said. ‘It’s like flying on a plane with no engines or the engines are on fire.’”

Noting how any machine may be missing key components is an effective comparison strategy, but when you add in the terrifying loss of life when airborne, the intensity goes up several notches. As awful military decisions disturb people across the planet, it's unsurprising that we reach for comparisons to capture the moment.


“If there was shock on the streets [in urban areas in Russia after the invasion of Ukraine], then the mood among the business community was even more dour. Several owners of mid-sized companies said that the invasion and subsequent isolation of Russia had made their businesses unprofitable overnight.

One, the owner of an advertising services company with 100 employees, said that he was about to announce to his employees this afternoon that he is leaving the country for Armenia with his wife and two sons.

‘I’m going to tell them that we are going into a crisis that we have never experienced before,” he said. “It’s like flying on a plane with no engines or the engines are on fire.’”

Roth, Andrew and Pjotr Sauer. “‘The Damage is Done’: Russians Face Economic Point of No Return.” Guardian [England], 28 Feb. 2022. Web.

(Aeroflot image Shutterstock 2021)

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