‘Like being the back end of a pantomime horse’, he said. I have always thought this a perfect metaphor for the absurdity of living with a writer.
Amanda Craig's husband captured both the position and the experience of life with, and about, a writer. And, in the longer context below, Amanda Craig offers some deep insight about the meaning implications of this metaphor. Many thanks to Anna-Lisa Sandstrum for discovering this faux-equine comparison in 2004!

My [Amanda Craig's] husband was once rung up by a newspaper, the (London) Daily Telegraph, and asked what it was like to live with a novelist.
‘Like being the back end of a pantomime horse’, he said. I have always thought this a perfect metaphor for the absurdity of living with a writer. Your partner is invisible, apart from maintaining that illusion of that strange, cavorting parody of a horse having a pair of hind legs – while you, the public face, are actually wearing a mask. Yet unlike the back end, you can at least see where you’re going. Your partner, your back end, can push blindly but receives neither applause nor credit.
Craig, Amanda. “The Pantomime Horse.” Living with a Writer. Palgrave Macmillan, 2004, pp. 137-141.