Everyone in the operation understands the dynamic by now, nobody more than [Issac] Prewitt and [Will] McIntire, who effectively trade days of tying themselves to the track.
The 2024 women's Big-Ten Champion basketball team from University of Iowa uses men basketball players as a scout team as they prepare for opponents. They find playing daily in practice against Caitlin Clark and other talented Hawkeyes a real challenge. Hence the "tie themselves to the track" metaphor used by sports writer Brian Hamilton.

The planet didn’t tilt off its axis. Iowa’s coaches didn’t stop practice, aghast. Clark and McIntire ate lunch together after, like nothing happened. A practice player’s job, at Iowa, isn’t guarding Caitlin Clark. The job is dealing with Caitlin Clark. Every day. She will take jump shots and pot shots. She will burn you and serve burns. Everyone in the operation understands the dynamic by now, nobody more than [Issac] Prewitt and [Will] McIntire, who effectively trade days of tying themselves to the track. Everyone understands the best thing they can do for a superstar transcending the sport in real time is give as good as they get. Or try.
Hamilton, Brian. “The Men Who Practice Against Caitlin Clark Can’t Stop Her Either.” The Athletic, New York Times, 30 Jan. 2024. Web.