Although wolverines naturally prefer to live in snow-packed mountain habitats and aren't known to attack humans, the idea of a Coloradan going on a camping trip or a hike in the woods and encountering a wolverine—aka Satan's lap dog—should terrify [Colorado Gov. Jared] Mr. Polis.
Helen Raleigh posits that Colorado Gov. Polis signing a bill to reintroduce wolverines into the Rockies won't go as well as he hopes. Keep your eye on this one. Lapdog indeed! Metaphorically laps can carry many implications and connotations. Picking the assigned lap seems the real important choice for Ms. Raleigh.

Although wolverines naturally prefer to live in snow-packed mountain habitats and aren't known to attack humans, the idea of a Coloradan going on a camping trip or a hike in the woods and encountering a wolverine—aka Satan's lap dog— should terrify [Colorado Gov. Jared] Mr. Polis. A single incident could be politically deadly for the second-term Democrat with national ambitions. When a wolverine showed up near a Canadian high school in 2016, the school was locked down and the students let out only after it was determined that the skunk bear had departed.
Raleigh, Helen. “Jared Polis's Wolves Are Moving In on Denver.“ Wall Street Journal, 15 June 2024. Web.