‘Eureka‘ may be a little awkward, but what it lacks in sophistication and slickness it makes up for in clumsy sweetness and pure intentions, as if ‘Doctor Who‘ wandered down to Mayberry to seek advice from Andy Griffith.
Heather Havrilesky, writing in Salon, uses a standard tactic in her metaphor by appropriating our cultural knowledge of two highly popular television series. If you know little of Mayberry or Doctor Who, the comparison may fall somewhat flat. On the other hand, since Amazon Prime picked up the series from SciFi, you may get to see Eureka before, or without, seeing Doctor Who or Andy Griffith.

Just look at ‘Eureka‘ (9 p.m. Friday, June 10, on Sci Fi), a show that's at once goofy and deeply earnest. "Eureka" may be a little awkward, but what it lacks in sophistication and slickness it makes up for in clumsy sweetness and pure intentions, as if ‘Doctor Who‘ wandered down to Mayberry to seek advice from Andy Griffith.
Havrilesky, Heather. "Science Fiction with a Smile." Salon,, 05 July 2009. Web.