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Badger Pain


Updated: Feb 2, 2022

Matthew McConaughey's in awe of his brother.


Cool under pressure, with the pain threshold of a badger, he’s [Mike McConaughey, brother of Matthew] the first person you’d want with you when the going got tough.

Not many of us have any idea of how well badgers deal with pain. But Matthew's brother's pain threshold sounds impressive (especially to people in Wisconsin). Contextual comments seem here to do as much with interpretation as any direct or special knowledge of badgers and their pain thresholds.


From McConaughey's book, Greenlights:

Mike [McConaughey, brother of Matthew] was a confident, scrappy, hard-working, savvy guy, with a hippie heart full of compassion for the runts of the world. Cool under pressure, with the pain threshold of a badger, he’s the first person you’d want with you when the going got tough.

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